A new business just started 5 mins ago in Burwood, VIC

Terms & Conditions

Important Information

Is there any exclusion of liability in these Terms?

Yes, abn-registration-online primarily acts as an intermediary between third-party service providers and you. As a customer, you will be subject to the terms and conditions specified on the service providers’ website, and abn-registration-online disclaims any liability regarding the services provided by third parties. abn-registration-online does not assume any liability for indirect, special, or consequential loss or damage.
Furthermore, if abn-registration-online is found liable, its responsibility will be limited to either re-providing the Services or covering the cost of re-providing the Services. This limitation of liability is subject to applicable laws, including the Australian Consumer Law.
Please refer to clauses 38 (a-c) limitation of liability the Terms for more details.


  1. Accessing this website:
    • These terms of use (Terms) govern your access to and use of: this website www.abn-registration-online.com and all associated individual websites linked from www.abn-registration-online.com (Website) provided by Jachin 333 Pty. Ltd. (ACN 125520078), operating as abn-registration-online.com (we, us, our or abn-registration-online);
    • The services offered through the Websites (Services), including:
      • Registration of Australian Business Number (ABN)
      • Registration and renewal of Australian Business Name
      • Company registration, formation, and renewal in Australia
      • GST, tax file number (TFN), and PAYG registration
      • ASIC annual renewals and reviews
      • Domain name registration
      • Invoicing services
      • Provision of email accounts
      • Virtual address services
      • Website design and hosting services
      • Referral services for business insurance
      • Other services that may be provided periodically; and
      • The documents provided by us in relation to our Services, such as the corporate register and Constitution for new companies (Documents).
  2. If you do not agree to all of these Terms, including our privacy policy available at https://abn-registration-online.com.au/privacy-policy, please refrain from accessing or using this Website, the Services, or any information or materials on the Website.
  3. By using the Website or the Services, you signify your agreement to comply with the following Terms.
  4. Your rights and obligations regarding the Website:
  5. You are permitted to view, download, and/or print any Content on the Website, including text, graphics, images, information, or materials (Content), that we have expressly allowed for personal, non-commercial use on your personal computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, PDA, or similar devices, solely for the purpose of utilising our Services.
    • Alter or remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notice of ours or any other company or individual found on the Website or the Documents.
    • Modify or edit the Content or publish, sell, or licence the Content or the Documents, including making them available on any other website.
    • Reverse engineer, translate, adapt, or modify any software used in connection with this Website to the extent permitted by law.
    • Create any links from other websites to this Website without obtaining our express prior written permission.
    • Use any Content on the Website for any commercial purpose, unless permitted by us.
    • Use any robot, spider, automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy any Content or Documents without our prior written consent.
    • Post or transmit any content containing viruses or harmful computer code, files, or programs intended to interrupt, limit, or destroy the functionality of computer software or hardware.
    • Interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning of this Website or any other website designed or hosted by us or our agents using any device, software, or routine.
    • Use the Services to send unsolicited emails or spam third parties.
    • Take any action that imposes an unreasonable burden on the infrastructure of the Website.
  6. You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your Website account’s password and username. Do not disclose your passwords to third parties.
  7. Please inform us of any changes to your contact details.
  8. Intellectual property:
    • All intellectual property rights, including Content, information on the Website, the arrangement of Content, and the Documents (excluding Government-issued documents), are either owned by us or licensed to us.
    • You may not duplicate, publicly transmit, modify, delete, or reproduce the Content without our permission, except for personal use or other specific use permitted by copyright law.
    • Unauthorised use of trademarks, logos, or product names appearing on our Website is prohibited unless authorised under trademark law or other applicable laws.
    • If we provide Documents as part of our Services, we grant you a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable licence to use the Documents for your business and related legal purposes, subject to these Terms. You may use, copy, reproduce, or transmit the Documents, or any part thereof, solely for this purpose.
    • Modifying the Documents without our permission or copying them to create another company or business or for any use outside these Terms is prohibited.
    • You must not upload materials or use the Services for purposes that are obscene, offensive, defamatory, discriminatory, inaccurate, fraudulent, misleading, unlawful, pornographic, violent, hateful, or infringe upon third parties’ rights, including intellectual property and privacy rights, or circumvent storage space limits.
  9. No professional advice:
    • The information provided on this Website is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. You should exercise independent judgement when selecting any of the services offered through this Website.

    The Services:

  10. We provide the Services with all due care and skill, adhering to industry standards.
  11. We do not provide advice regarding the appropriateness or suitability of the Services for your specific needs. We do not provide, claim to provide, or warrant legal, taxation, or financial advice. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the Services obtained through this Website meet your requirements.
  12. If you are uncertain about your requirements, we recommend contacting relevant regulatory or supervisory authorities, such as the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC), .au Domain Registration Ltd (auDA), IP Australia, or consulting with your accountant, financial advisor, or lawyer.
  13. By using our online registration applications, you warrant that the information you provide,including declarations for each application, is accurate, complete, and up-to-date to the best of your knowledge. Providing false or misleading information to ASIC or the ATO is an offence. Please inform us of any changes to this information by contacting us at
  14. We may request identification to verify your identity or the identity of other relevant individuals, such as proposed directors or partners, in connection with our Services.
  15. We (including our authorised representatives) will not be liable for any charges, damages,or losses arising from incorrect information provided by you.
  16. Upon submission of your registration applications, we aim to commence processing them immediately. For this purpose, you authorise us (through our business division abn-registration-online.com) or our designated representative to act as:
    • Your registered tax agent, representing you in ABN, TFN, GST, and PAYG registration applications.
    • Your ASIC registered agent, representing you in Business Name or company registration and renewal applications.
    • Your agent for domain name registration, liaising with the domain name registrar on your behalf.
  17. Submitting an application through the Website does not guarantee successful registration.
  18. If your application requires manual review by ASIC or the ATO, it may result in registration delays or unsuccessful registration.
  19. While we endeavour to address objections on your behalf, we do not warrant that we will always be successful. If the response fails to overcome the objection, we will cancel your application, refund the application fee (minus a reasonable service fee), and notify you accordingly.
  20. An ABN must be obtained before registering for GST, securing a Business Name,
  21. Company names and Business Names
    • Company and Business Name availability checks carried out via the relevant company or Business Name application form on the Website are dependent on the ASIC Check Name Availability register (ASIC Register). We are not responsible for any errors or comissions on the ASIC Register or if the ASIC Register or its system is experiencing technical issues, such as downtime or maintenance.
    • We do not make any warranties as to the registrability of your company or Business Name.
    • If your chosen company name or Business Name is not available to you, on carrying out the availability check via the application form, your application will not proceed using that company name or Business Name.
    • We try to submit your application to ASIC as soon as possible after receipt of your application. If, for any reason, your chosen company name or Business Name is no longer available to you when we submit your application, we will notify you as soon as possible so that you can select a different company or Business Name. We are not liable for any direct or indirect loss, costs, or damage incurred or suffered by you due to your chosen company name or Business Name not being available for registration.
    • If the ASIC Register is not available for any reason, we can manually file your company or Business Name application. If we do so, we cannot check the ASIC Register to see if your company name or Business Name is available. If your chosen name is then unavailable you can either:
      • Choose another company name or Business Name; or
      • Obtain a full refund of your application fees from us, less a reasonable administration and handling fee (Administration Charge).
    • If you do not make the election referred to in paragraph 21.(d) above, within 10 days of us notifying you that your company name or Business Name is unavailable, we will just provide you with the refund referred to in paragraph 21.(d).(ii).
    • If your company registration or Business Name application requires manual review by ASIC, due to an issue with the chosen name, we may need further evidence of your right to use certain terms. If you do not provide the requested information within the relevant time period, as notified by us, then your Business Name or company registration application may be discontinued.
    • Registration of a company name, Business Name, or domain name (collectively and individually, Name) does not prevent third parties from:
      • Registering a trademark identical or similar to your Name; or
      • Registering a company or business name, similar to your Name; or
      • Using an identical or similar name as an unregistered trademark.
    • We can cancel a Business Name registration you hold if you authorise us to do so. Before cancelling your Business Name registration, we will need to be recorded as your ASIC agent (which we will arrange).
    • If the application to cancel your Business Name is rejected, we will identify the reason for rejection, notify you of the rejection, and await your further instructions.
    • If you authorize us to cancel your Business Name, we are not liable for any loss or damage suffered by you due to the cancellation of your Business Name.
    • ABN, GST, PAYG, and TFN registration
      • In order to use the TFN registration services, you must be:
        • A company; and
        • Legally entitled to apply for a TFN.
      • We endeavor to begin working on your registration application immediately after you have submitted it to us.
      • We do not provide any advice relating to whether you need to apply for an ABN or TFN or register for GST or PAYG.
      • If we cannot arrange for your ABN, GST or PAYG registration application to be processed by the ATO immediately through our electronic system, we will review your application and manually apply for such registration on your behalf.
      • In certain circumstances, for a small number of clients, and based on the specifics of an individual’s application, the ATO stipulates that we must wait up to 28 days from the date that the application is lodged before contacting it to resolve the issue.
      • If your application is placed under review by the ATO, sometimes the ATO may notify you directly by post to the address listed in your application. This usually occurs within 14 days of the date that we file an application on your behalf.
      • If your application is rejected by the ATO it may be for any number of reasons.
        These may include (but are not limited to):

        • The information supplied does not match exactly with information the ATO has on record;
        • You have previously applied for, or currently have an ABN or TFN; or
        • The ATO is experiencing system processing issues, such as system downtime or maintenance.
      • If your application for an ABN is rejected by the ATO, we will contact you to discuss other options to establish your business. If you choose not to proceed, we will cancel your application and provide you with a full refund less the Administration Charge.
      • If you apply for a Business Name and ABN together and if your ABN is refused, then we will cancel both your ABN and Business Name applications as you must have an ABN to successfully register a Business Name.
      • We will advise you as soon as we have secured your ABN, TFN, GST, or PAYG registration.
      • If your business has been sold, closed down, has changed its structure, or is no longer operating in Australia (or making supplies in connection with Australia), you should cancel your ABN. We can cancel your ABN on your behalf. Before canceling your ABN, we will need to be recorded as your business’ registered tax agent (which we will arrange).
      • Before cancelling your ABN, you must ensure that all lodgment, reporting, and payment obligations in respect of the government agencies your business deals with have been addressed, for example, the business may be required to lodge activity statements or PAYG withholding reports with the ATO.Cancelling your ABN will result in:
        • The following additional registrations being cancelled automatically: GST, PAYG, Luxury Car Tax, and Wine Equalization Tax registrations. Any Fuel Tax Credits attached to the ABN will also be cancelled.
        • The cancellation of any login credentials that any representatives of your business hold which may prevent the representatives from using government online services.
      • If the application to cancel your ABN is rejected, we will identify the reason for the rejection, notify you of the rejection and wait your further instructions.
      • If you authorise us to cancel your ABN, we are not liable for any loss or damage suffered by you due to the cancellation of your ABN (and the automatic cancellation of any associated registrations).
  22. Renewal services
    • It is your responsibility to renew your Business Name and/or ACNs or to carry out your
      ASIC annual reviews and annual renewals. We are not liable for any loss or damage suffered by you due to your failure to renew or if you do not receive the Renewal Notification from us. We recommend that you also diarise your relevant renewal or review dates.
  23. Logo Design
    • Logos provided through the Website (referred to as Logos) are automatically generated by our system when you provide the requested information via the Website.
    • Any amendments made by you to the Logo grant you copyright ownership upon creation.
    • Please ensure that any contributions or modifications you make to the Logo are original and not derived from third-party images, slogans, or quotes without proper permission.
    • It is important to note that we do not conduct intellectual property due diligence on the Logos available through the Website, and we do not guarantee their originality or non-infringement of third-party intellectual property rights.
    • Your use of Logos created through the Website is at your own risk.
  24. Emails
    If our Services include professional email provision through Google, the following terms

    • To obtain the Google professional email service, you must register a domain through our
    • By utilizing the Google professional email service, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by Google’s terms and privacy policy. You can find Google’s current Terms of Service at Google Terms of Service and its privacy policy at Google Privacy Policy.
    • We will set up and configure the necessary mailboxes (Address) for your email system based on your instructions. Once the setup is complete, we will notify you. If you need to add, remove, or modify any Address details, please inform us. Processing such requests may take up to 3 business days.
    • Please note that we do not offer data migration facilities, and we are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from data migration performed by you or on your behalf.

    Website Design

    • As part of our website design services, we will create a professional website tailored to your requirements (referred to as the New Website).
    • It is your responsibility to retain a copy of any existing website that may be replaced by the New Website, including any databases and hosted files.
    • We retain ownership of all source code related to the New Website.
    • Similar to Logo design, we do not conduct intellectual property due diligence regarding the design of the New Website. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the content of the New Website.
    • Please ensure that the New Website complies with all applicable laws and codes of
    • We are not liable for your use of the New Website or your compliance with relevant legislation and regulations.
    • If your website design incorporates open-source third-party applications, it is your responsibility to actively monitor and implement available upgrades or patches to protect against third-party hackers or viruses.
    • Unless you opt for our backup services, you are solely responsible for backing up any data, websites, or information, including email files and databases, which may be replaced when we publish the New Website as part of our Services. By delivering our Services, we are granted a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual license (including the right to sublicense) to use screen shots or depictions of the New Website, publish the New Website (including its content), and utilize any materials provided by you in connection with the New Website for marketing activities.
  25. Domain Name Registration
    • We act as a domain name reseller for (TPPWHOLESALE Registrar).
    • Once we submit your domain name registration application to the Registrar, you are unable to modify or alter the application.
    • The eligibility, registration, and use of your chosen domain name are subject to its availability and the terms and conditions of the relevant domain name authority (e.g., auDA) and the Registrar.
    • To ensure compliance, please adhere to the respective terms. If your selected domain name is rejected, we will discuss alternative options with you.
    • Please note that we do not provide refunds for non-compliance with domain name obligations or if your domain name registration expires.
    • Subject to the Australian Consumer Law in Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (ACL), we do not refund any fees if you do not meet obligations with respect to your domain name or if your domain name ceases to be registered for any reason.
    • You waive any claims against us regarding domain name registration refusal or deregistration by the domain name authority. Registering a domain name does not confer legal ownership rights to that domain name. We are not obligated to renew your domain name unless instructed by you. Any disputes concerning domain names should be resolved directly between the involved parties; we do not participate in such disputes.
    • We are not obliged to renew any domain name on your behalf if you do not instruct us to do so.
  26. Website Hosting
    • You are responsible for archiving and backing up any data, including emails, associated with websites hosted by us or our agents on your behalf.
    • Our hosting services are limited to the materials required for the standard operation of your website.
    • Please refrain from consuming an unreasonable amount of our resources, as it may affect the quality of hosting services provided to other customers.
    • We reserve the right to suspend, cease hosting, or restrict hosting services if we reasonably believe that your website’s IP traffic is excessive or if it consumes an unreasonable level of our resources.
  27. Invoicing
    • You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of your invoices issued through our Services.
    • Any purchases, payments, or invoicing transactions between you and your customers are solely your responsibility. We are not involved in such transactions and assume no liability or responsibility for the products or services offered or invoiced by you. Any payment disputes must be resolved directly between you and your customer.
    • Please refrain from consuming an unreasonable amount of our resources, as it may affect the quality of hosting services provided to other customers.
    • We reserve the right to suspend, cease hosting, or restrict hosting services if we reasonably believe that your website’s IP traffic is excessive or if it consumes an unreasonable level of our resources.
  28. Virtual Address
    • To utilize our virtual address service, you must possess a valid and current ABN (Australian Business Number).
    • This service is intended solely for legitimate and lawful business activities. We may request additional information about your business, including identification details of company officers, partners, or sole traders.
    • If you are located overseas, additional information may be required to support your virtual address application.
    • We reserve the right to terminate the virtual address service immediately if we determine, within reason, that your business activities are illegal or could harm our address or reputation.
    • In the event of service cancellation, we will provide reasonable notice whenever possible.
    • Please note that we are not responsible for any correspondence received after the cancellation.
    • The virtual address service is not suitable for the delivery of large, heavy, or bulky items.
    • We accept and deliver letters and packages appropriate for a business address in terms of size and weight.
    • We reserve the right to reject deliveries or refuse to deliver goods if they exceed reasonable size and weight limits.
    • Please note that this revision paraphrases and restructures the original text to provide a general understanding of the terms. It is still advisable to consult the original source for precise and legally binding information.
  29. Fees
    • Our Services typically require upfront payment. Subscription Services incur ongoing monthly or annual fees and charges, payable to us in advance as directed. We review these Service fees annually.
    • Under any monthly or annual subscription plan, you are limited to registering one domain name.
    • Additional domain names can be applied for as an additional Service. Services such as ABN registration involve a one-time fee payable to us. Unless otherwise specified, these fees must be paid upon submission of the relevant application forms.
    • Unless stated otherwise, all fees and charges are in Australian dollars.
    • The fees include goods and services tax (GST) where applicable.
    • Failure to pay fees within the specified period, after receiving notice from us regarding non-payment, may result in restricted access to our Services or a downgrade of your subscription level.
    • At our discretion, we may provide certain Services free of charge. We reserve the right to introduce fees for such Services at a later time.
    • We will provide reasonable written notice (at least 30 days) before implementing new fees or modifying existing fees. Your continued use of the Services will indicate acceptance of these fee amendments.
    • If you disagree with our new or amended fees, you must notify us in writing within 10 days of receiving a notification about the fee change. You will then be entitled to terminate your subscription or any future Services without penalty and receive a refund of any prepaid fees.
  30. Refunds
    You may terminate these Terms in the event that we have committed a material breach of our obligations under these Terms.

    • Our Services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the ACL.
    • For major failures with our Services or a minor failure that cannot be fixed within a reasonable time, you have the right to cancel the Services you receive from us if the Services are:
      • Provided with an unacceptable level of care and skill;
      • Unfit for the purpose you asked for; or
      • Not delivered within a reasonable time when there is no agreed end date.
    • If you cancel the Services for the reasons outlined in paragraph 12(c) above, we will provide you with a refund of your fee in the same form as your original payment, in accordance with these Terms.
    • To the extent permitted by law, including the ACL, we do not otherwise provide any refund of fees paid in connection with the Services except as stated in these Terms, including:
      • If you notify us that you would like to withdraw your application before we have initiated the registration process. In such circumstances, we may provide you with a full refund less the Administration Charge. However, as our services are automated and synchronize in real-time with the relevant Commonwealth government agency, we generally commence our Services as soon as you complete your application and pay the relevant application fee. The decision whether to provide you with a refund under such circumstances is at our own discretion, acting reasonably.
      • If an ABN application has been submitted and put on hold and not issued and you then want to withdraw your application, we may provide you with a refund of the ABN application fee, excluding a reasonable charge for the use of our Services.
    • You acknowledge and agree that all trademark fees paid by you to us for the Trademark Services are payable in advance and, subject to the ACL or any other breach of these Terms or negligence by us, non-refundable. To the extent permitted by law, a refund of your fees is not available if:
      • You are unable to overcome issues raised in an Examination Report issued in respect of your trademark application; or
      • A third party opposes your trademark application; or
      • Your trademark application lapses or is withdrawn for any reason; or
      • You do not wish to proceed with your trademark application for any other reason after the application has been filed with IP Australia.
    • If you pay fees monthly or annually in advance, depending on your subscription level, then we will assess the relevant refund due to you pursuant to paragraph 40(e), if any.
    • If we receive any refund from ASIC or IP Australia with respect to any charges paid by you, we will notify you immediately and will refund such money to your chosen account as soon as possible.
    • We may set off any amounts we owe to you against any amounts owing to us under or in connection with these Terms.
  31. Renewal fees:
    We are not liable to remind you for renewals of any of our services.
  32. Other parties’ products and services:
    If you use our Services with any third parties’ products or services, such as a third-party hosting service provider, then we are not responsible for any loss arising from or in connection with such use of third-party products or services. We do not warrant that any of the Services are interoperable or are compatible with any such third parties’ products or services.
  33. Accuracy of information:
    We are providing this Website, the Content, the Documents, and the Services on an “as is” basis. While we try to keep the information on the Website as accurate, complete, and up to date as possible, we do not represent or make any warranty in respect of the accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency of any of the Content, contained in or distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from this Website, the Documents, or the results obtained from using this Website.
  34. Availability of the Website:
    • While we try to ensure that the Website, including the Content, functionality, performance, and features are available continuously, we do not represent or warrant that access will be secure, error-free, uninterrupted, or timely or that the Website or the related server is free of viruses, bugs, or other harmful applications or
      interference. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and virus checks to satisfy your own requirements.
    • We will use reasonable efforts (but do not guarantee) to provide advance notice to our registered users, by email (to the email address on our records), of any scheduled unavailability of the Website or any of our Services, for maintenance, updating, or any other reason. We are unable to provide advance notice of any unscheduled unavailability of the Website or where urgent repairs or patches are required.
    • We may suspend your access to the Website without prior notice due to maintenance, system failure, repair, or any other reason beyond our control.
  35. Privacy:
    • Our Privacy Policy, which forms part of these Terms, applies to any personal information collected by us from users of our Services and the Website.
    • As set out in our Privacy Policy, we may disclose your personal information overseas.
    • Overseas recipients of your personal information are not subject to Australian law, including the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles. The laws applying to such overseas recipients, including our subsidiary in the Philippines, may differ from Australian laws and may apply a greater or lesser standard of protection for your personal information.By accepting these Terms, you:
      • Consent to the disclosure by us, of your personal information overseas in accordance with our Privacy Policy
      • Acknowledge that we will not be accountable under the Privacy Act for such disclosure and that you will not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act.
  36. Indemnity:
    You indemnify us (including our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, and employees) against any claim or demand, including legal fees and costs, made against us by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms, your breach of any third party’s intellectual property rights in respect of the Logo or your New Website, or your infringement of any law or the rights of a third party in the course of using our Services, including in relation to any insurance obtained by you through the Services, your registration and use of an ABN, Business Name, company name, domain name, trademark, ACN, or any tax registration obtained by you via the Services, any Logo created by you or the New Website or your use of the Plan and Productivity Tool. Your obligation to indemnify us is reduced to the extent any such loss is due to the negligence or breach of these Terms by us.
  37. Limitation of liability:
    • Subject to any condition, warranty, or right implied by, or any statutory consumer guarantee contained in, any law (including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) which cannot by law be excluded by agreement:
      • We give no warranties, and you have no other rights, apart from those expressly set out in these Terms; and
      • All implied conditions, guarantees, warranties, and rights are excluded.
    • We exclude, to the maximum extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of your use of the Content, the Documents, this Website, and the Services (other than as a result of a breach of these Terms by us). Where liability cannot be excluded, any liability incurred by us is, to the extent permitted by law, limited as provided and as per our option under section 64A of the ACL (namely, to supplying the Services again, or the payment of the cost of having the Services supplied again). To the extent permitted by law, in no event will Jachin 333 Pty. Ltd., its related bodies corporate, its officers, employees, agents, suppliers:
      • Be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential loss or damage, however caused; and
      • The aggregate liability of Jachin 333 Pty. Ltd., its related bodies corporate, its officers, employees, agents, suppliers will be limited to the supply of services, or the cost of supplying the services again.
    • You are responsible for ensuring that your Business Name, domain name, trademark, Logo, or company name applied for or registered through the Services and the content of your New Website does not infringe any third party’s registered trademark or breach the ACL or amount to passing off with respect to a third party’s rights. We are not liable to you or to any third party in connection with any claims in respect of the breach of any
      legislation or common law rights relating to your registration and use of the Business Name, Logo, company name, trademark, or domain name applied for or registered through the Services or the New Website.
  38. Third Party Sites:
    We may provide links to other websites which are not under our control or maintained by us (Third Party Sites).
    We are providing these links to you only as a matter of convenience and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not be responsible for the content of such Third Party Sites.Any link to a Third Party Site does not imply that:

    • The Third Party Site is in any way affiliated with us;
    • The Third Party Site is legally authorized to use our trademarks, trade names, logos, or copyright; or
    • We are legally authorized to use the trademarks, trade names, logos, or copyright of the Third Party Site.

    We take no responsibility for any Third Party Site accessed via the Website. Nor do we make any representations, warranties, or undertakings in respect of the content available on or through any Third Party Site. If you decide to link to a Third Party Site, you leave our Website at your own risk.

  39. Termination:
    We reserve the right to immediately terminate your access to all or any part of this Website, the Content, the Documents, or the Services if you commit a contactmaterial breach of these Terms and fail to remedy any such breach within a reasonable time after we provide notice to you of the breach.We may otherwise terminate your access to this Website, the Content, the Documents, or the Services upon reasonable notice, which will not be less than 30 days.You may terminate the Services as between us and you at any time by providing us with not less than 30 days’ prior notice in writing.
  40. Modification to Terms:
    We may amend these Terms and any of our other policies relating to the Website, at any time, at our discretion. Any such amendments are effective upon being published on this Website or as otherwise notified. You are responsible for reviewing these Terms regularly. Continued use of this Website and our Services after any such amendments constitutes your consent to such amendments .If you do not agree to any amendments to the Terms or any of our policies, then you may terminate the Services between us and you by providing us with 14 days’ notice in writing – by emailing us at contact@developer.wordpress-developer.us stating the reason for your termination. In any such circumstance, you will receive a pro-rata refund of any fees you have paid in advance.
  41. General:
    These Terms are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. You submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of that State.If any provision or part of these Terms is for any reason declared invalid or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining portion is not to be affected and the remaining portion is to remain in full effect.These Terms record the entire agreement between you and us in relation to your use of this Website, the Content, the Documents, and the Services.

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